On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of EXCHANGE Live Art we have had the pleasure of appearing in some platforms and media, such as the websites of the Centro José Guerrero in Granada (here), the Casa de las Conchas Library in Salamanca (here), the Arte a un Click platform (here) and the Mujeres en las Artes Visuales website (here). The newspaper HOY (here) and the newspaper Avuelapluma de Cáceres (here and here) among others have also echoed our event.

In the television media we especially recommend the report of the programme Muévete de Canal Extremadura that can be seen here, as well as the news of RTVE (minute 21,13) that can be seen here.

Also, on the radio we have talked to Olga Ayuso from Canal Extremadura radio (here) and Vicente Pozas from Cadena Cope in Cáceres.