Performance for the presentation of LUNCHBOX within CICLO EXCHANGE 2019 in Bòlit Centre Art Contemporani Girona (Spain), within the activities for the solo exhibition of the British artist based in Catalunya Denys Blacker.
I performed the score “Lenguage” by Ana Matey, making the piece “LETAJG”. In it, I take the main elements of the score (an eraser and the word “lenguage”, a mixture of language and lenguaje) and I incorporate the word “llenguatge” (Catalan), in a very physical action, in which I write and at the same time erase these three words and builds a new one, in an attempt to subtly ironize about the importance we sometimes give to certain details, when what ultimately interests us is to be able to communicate.
With Martine Viale and Denys Blacker. More information about the event HERE.
Thanks to Simón Saura for the documentation.