Action for the project “Counterposed Art” of the collective Ákaro for the Food Market of Jaén. June, 2012.
With Martina Marqués Fedelich, on behalf of the Fac. Of Fine Arts from Granada.
Thanks for the photos to Belén Mazueco, David Martínez and Jorge Carmelo.
This action is based on the ancient practice of barter, and it is about “to play” to exchange products that are sold on the market.
The premise was that we changed a product we offered them for something with a slightly higher value. Not all merchants participated, but most of them collaborated very generously.
Each exchange was publicly announced and grateful by the market speakers system, contributing to greater involvement occurs by the entire market.
We begin with a bag of snacks and finished with a boneless ham (jamón), symbol of our goal.
Finally, the ham was auctioned and with that money we bought a piece of art done by one of the artists participating in the project (Alberto Vidarte).
This work was given to the merchants who participated in the exchange, with the intention of they enjoy it one week each, and will rotate as a Virgin Mary little statue of a community of neighbors.