This project is the continuation and transformation of the series of mini video actions started in 2020 that was abruptly interrupted by the coronavirus crisis and whose main axes are shared creation and the use of video action and live performance as the main artistic media.
“To and Fro” (give and take) is the expression we normally use when two people converse and argue and each one contributes their point of view, there is an I give, you give… “The Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma” is an example of game theory where it is shown that if two collaborate, both win.
TO: Series of video actions made in 2020 with Amelia David, Ana Maeso, Andrés León, Carmen R. Villa-Real, Irene R. Tárraga, Llorch Talavera, María Jesús Manzanares, Marta Moreno Muñoz, Miguel Moreno y Teo Ramiro. See HERE.
FRO: Ten video actions created in 2022 from those created in 2020. Participants: María Bris, Felipe Ortega Regalado, Alejandra Monroy, Carmen Rivero, Mario Montoya, Denys Blacker, Raúl Díaz-Obregón, Juan Prohibido, Marta Mantecón and Claudia Frau.
See a fragment of the video actions HERE.
THE DILEMMA OF THE ITERATED PRISONER: Live action created with Ana Matey from all the video actions.
Text by Susana Blas.